
My Name is Liam Byrnes 1, Im living in South Africa with my wife Rachel, practising the presence of a coming Kingdom – I’m convinced that we live from our minds, and that we are created to consider things, practise them as truth, and be changed increasingly into the likeness of Jesus.

This blog is for thoughts around theology, culture, missions, music and maybe even a little coffee2

You can say hi over twitter see some of the sights of my life through my tumblr


I studied Politics and Social research, then half way through found myself reading more theology than politics 3, then switched to studying Divinity 4 at University of Aberdeen. More Recently I’ve been working with a pilot programme in the University of the Nations for an M.A. in Spiritual Formation in Discipleship.


I used to write mostly about tech and design (which I may still do now and again), so this info is important to some folks out there;
– Im working on a Macbook Air 13″ mid 2013
– Try to write using Markdown
– The site uses WordPress
– Is hosted on Mediatemple
– Written in WP or WriteRoom

If you want a more in-depth run down of my setup I was featured on The Sweet Setup in November of 2015.

  1. pronounced “burns” 
  2. As a millennial christian I’m indulging in becoming a cliche.. 
  3. and having a subtle change in allegiance to the kingdom I thought might change the world for the better.. 
  4. which in Scotland means ‘theology’ or ‘practical theology’